I first bought 40k years ago. Sadly I got into it right after a local store closed. I had 3rd edition Imperial Guard, with the Catachan codex. A few friends also had armies. We however never really got into the hobby. Fast forward to now 2 years ago, and some new friends of mine had previously played, and a one was looking to get into it, and a friend from the past, like me, was still looking at getting back into the game.
A year ago, I some how stumbled into a game store less then 10 minutes from my house. Simply by chance I went to A&W for lunch with work, and saw a sign. That night I drove over with a friend, and now I am at the store 3 days a week. This past winter I meet Flekkzo (another blogger here), and began to talk to him. He has a wonderfully painted Imperial Fist army, although he is very modest about them. They are the best painted models on the table for 40k. When I found out he had a blog, I decided to follow it. The other day he told me to get remotivated to paint, I should start a blog. So here it is. A blog for me to post my quest into the hobby side of miniatures. It has been months since I have finished painting a model, and with starting another army, expanding my guard, and with plans for WHFB, BFG, and Warmachine, I have a lot of painting I need to be done. First up is to get three Valkyries assembled, which will be handed over to Flekkzo for painting.